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After Effects: Hand Scan Tutorial Part 2
Views: 5884
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In this tutorial VideoFort Don shows you how to create a realistic looking, security hand scan for your videos. This is a two part tutorial. In part two we cover how to finish the animation created in the first part of the tutorial, and adding the finishing touches to the video....
  • 1 Students
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Cinema 4D: VFX 3D Logos + Light Setup
Views: 5781
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In this tutorial, VideoFort Don demonstrates how to create a light setup for 3D logos or 3D text using Cinema 4D. Lighting your text or logo is an effective way to help bring more attention and detail to the composition. He first starts off by selecting a light and adding it to an array into the composition. The array makes clones of the light and arranges them into a circular shape. He then lowers the intensity of the light and increases the radius of the array. Be sure to change the page rotation of the light to 90 degrees. He then duplicates the light layers and lowers the radius several times. Under each light layer, change the settings under “Shadow” to “Shadow Map (Soft)”. VideoFort Don also increases the contrast of each light to add nice shadows around the letters. To add better lighting, he adds another light layer past the third set of lights. Set the type of the light to ‘Spot” and increase the width. Under details, change the falloff settings to “Inverse Square Clamped”. Reduce the intensity of the light and increase the contrast to add an ambient lighting to the logo or text. This will help.......
  • 1 Students
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Adobe Premiere: Color Correction Tutorial
Views: 5677
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In this VideoFort Tutorial, Colin walks us through how to color correct footage in Adobe Premiere Pro. The “Three-Way Color Corrector” is a great tool to give all of your footage a professional look without using a separate software. Using this effect within the program can not only streamline you editing process, but also gives you the ability to Key Frame if needed....
  • 1 Students
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After Effects: Pac-Man 4- Masking the Points
Views: 5558
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In this After Effects Pac-Man tutorial series VideoFort Jon gives a in depth looks at motion graphics and layering, teaching how to recreate the classic Atari game, Pac-Man. In Pac-Man Part 4 VideoFort Jon shows you how to mask the Points board to make it appear as if Pac-Man is eatting the dots on the Game Board. Astounding! Start out by selecting your Points Board. From the you will create a mask by setting points around all the dots the Pac-Man goes over. After you have the mask created you will then set the mask to subtract and set keyframes on the mask path to cover the dots as Pac-Man moves along....
  • 1 Students
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Cinema 4D: Super Bowl Ident Tutorial Part 2
Views: 5335
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In this Super Bowl tutorial VideoFort Don shows you how to create a ‘Sports Ident’ similar to the one displayed in our Thumbnail! This is a four part tutorial. In part two, we will be focusing mainly on the camera’s animation throughout the Ident. For further information about lighting, rendering and other details, be sure to check out the rest of this series!...
  • 1 Students
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After Effects: Basic Title Creation Part 2
Views: 4881
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  In this After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon shows you how to animate your basic Title Intro. Now that you have your 3D space setup and camera added, you will need to add a null object. Once you have added the null object set it into a 3D plane, then parent your camera to the null object. Play with the x,y, and z axises of your null object. Notice how the camera makes the same movement the null object does. From there you can start key framing the null object. Use your imagination and try out different movements, and altering how the particles interact in the 3D space. Don’t forget to add some motion blur to push the realism! Show us what you can create by posting your projects in the comments!...
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