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After Effects: How To Stabilize Awesome Footage
Views: 4865
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In this After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon teaches how to stabilize unsteady footage using the tracking and warp stabilization features of AE CS6 so you can get awesome results. First import the shaky footage a create a new comp with it. Then select Animation, Track Motion. Make sure rotation is checked and you choose Stabilize as the track type under the Track panel. From there you will choose two points in your shot that are high contrast areas, this will help the computer follow tracking better. Then you select to analyze forward if you are at the beginning of the sequence. After the analyzing is complete, apply the track to the x and y axis and you are finished tracking and stabilizing your shot. You’ll notice that your shot might be out of frame. Do not reposition this as it will affect you stabilizing. Instead, Increase the scale on the shot and this will fix the framing issue. An easier/faster way to stabilize your footage is by using the warp stabilizer. To use this you need to be on CS6. Select the layer that needs to be stabilized then choose Warp Stabilizer from the Effects and Presets pane. Now.......
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After Effects: Create Flaming Text
Views: 4802
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After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon turns up the heat with some flaming text. Start out by creating a new comp 1920×1080, 24 fps, duration 10 seconds. Create a new text layer and apply a Ramp effect to it. Then apply a Colorama effect to the same text layer. Drop down the Output Cycle in in the Colorama setting and set the Preset Palette to Golden 1. Now apply a Tint effect to the text. Now apply a Bevel Alpha effect to the text and adjust it so you have some shape to the letters. Finally apply a curves effect and set points from left to right to create a wave. Adjust the point until the text looks like chrome. Now precompose this layer and name it “Text”. Duplicate this layer and apply a Glow effect to it. Adjust the setting until you have the desired look. Apply a liquify effect and stretch out the tops of the text letters. Rename this layer “Glow” Once you have stretched out all the letters keyframe the Distortion Percentage to create some flame like movement. Once you have have finished keyframing the Distortion Percentage, option click the stopwatch and type in the expression “y=wiggle(10,60)”........
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After Effects: Create an Ink Splot Intro
Views: 4780
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  In this After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon shows you how to use CC Particle World to make ink splots inside of After Effects! He then goes on to show you how to set them up in a 3D plane to create a dynamic intro! Start out by creating a new comp 1920×1080, 24 fps, duration 20 seconds. From there create a new solid and apply the CC Particle World to the solid. Turn the gravity down to zero, chang the particle type to Lens Convex, set the Max Opacity to 100, Birth Size at .5, Death Size at 0 (you can play with these later), size variation can be 80-100. Play with the velocity and birth size, and scrub through the comp and decide what looks like a good ink splot. When you have an ink splot you want ot save go to Composition, Save Frame as…, the render queue should pop up. Select where you want to save it and then chose some more. After you have chosen your ink splots, import them to your Project. Create a new comp, 1920×1080, 24 fps, duration 20 seconds, and name it SplotIntro. Drag one of your ink splots to the.......
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Adobe Premiere Pro: Detect Duplicate Frames Automatically
Views: 4602
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In this tutorial, VideoFort Jeremy how to automatically detect duplicate frames within a sequence. VideoFort is one of Hollywood’s largest manufacturers of HD and Ultra HD Stock Footage. VideoFort footage is produced and created by world-renowned cinematographers, including some of the planets most experienced second unit crews. You’ve seen VideoFort’s content in Blockbuster Movies, Award Winning TV Shows, and Broadcast TV Commercials....
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After Effects: Using the Roto Brush
Views: 4497
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In this After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon give a quickoverview on how to use the Roto Brush. With your footage imported into a new comp, select the roto brush tool at the top (next to the puppet pin tool). Go into the footage layer and draw a line down the subject you want to roto. Now you can scrub through and adjust the Roto mask as needed by adding or subtracting from the roto mask. To subtract from the roto mask simply hold down the option key and select the portion you want subtracted. What cool effects videos do you create? Post them in the comments below! Be sure to Like, Subscribe and head to to use amazing videos for your projects!...
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After Effects: Smokey Text Effect
Views: 4191
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In this After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon teaches you how to create smokey text using CC Smear and a few other effects After Effects has to offer. Start out by creating a new comp and adding a text layer. Then generate a Ramp effect and adjust as necessary. Pre-Compose your text layer and name it “Smear”. Apply a CC Smear to this comp and set the initial keyframe. Now set the To and From points for CC Smear and move forward in time and have them move past your text. This will be the start of the smokey look. Adjust the key frames as needed and draw a mask around the text only. Keyframe the mask to reveal wisps as the come in. Pre-Compose this layer, name it “Mesh Warp” and apply the Mesh Warp effect to it. From here you will set a keyframe for Distort Mesh and move through the comp and make the text more whispy. After you have that complete, Pre-Compose again, name this comp “Forced Blur”, and apply the Forced Blur effect. This should make your text look super wispy. You can adjust the “Forced Blur” controls to give the desired effect. What cool.......
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Cinema 4D: Create Bender from Futurama Part 1
Views: 3689
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In this After Effects Tutorial Tutorial Series VideoFort Don teaches you how to create Bender, from Futurama, using Cinema 4D. Start out by bringing in a reference image for Bender. Then create a cylinder, it’s good to use basic shapes, this will serve at the base for benders head. Make sure to turn on the wireframe, then align the image with the cylinder, its better to keep the shapes centered and move the image instead. You need to select the cylinder and enable the caps tab to give your cylinder more shape. Adjust it to be like Bender’s head. Split the cylinder up into segments. Name the cylinder “head” and with it selected press c on your keyboard to make it an editable object. Go to rectangle selection and uncheck “only select visible elements” this will allow you to select points on sides not facing you. Select the bottom section and remove it. Line the Head up with the torso of Bender. Now you’ll start making the visor. Make a rectangle and set the width to about the same as the head with a height half of that. Enable rounding and set the radius as high as you can........
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After Effects: Pac-Man 5- Masking and Positioning the Ghosts
Views: 3677
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In this After Effects Pac-Man tutorial series VideoFort Jon gives a in depth looks at motion graphics and layering, teaching how to recreate the classic Atari game, Pac-Man. In Pac-Man Part 5 VideoFort Jon gets the ghosts to creep around the game board using masks and keyframing the position and opacity levels. Start out by bringing the “BoardandCharacters.png” into your Game comp. From there you will right click on the layer and choose to Pre Compose it, leaving all attributes in the comp, and name it “Blinky”. Open the “Blinky” pre-comp by double clicking on it, this brings you into the pre-comp. From there you will create a mask, using the Rectangle Tool, around the first red ghost on the left. Duplicate this layer, select the mask layer within, and shift the mask right until the next red ghost is revealed. Once you have the mask where you’d like it, duplicate this layer and continue the process until all the red ghosts are revealed. Notice how the legs of the ghosts are different? Rename the Ghost according to the direction they are looking and the number of legs they have (ex.:L3, R4, U3, D4, etc.) You need to center.......
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After Effects: Trigonometric Expression Title
Views: 3624
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After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon show you how to use a trigonometric expression to create a dynamic title. Using the same set up as used in After Effects: Using Trig Expressions and Particular import a logo or create a new text, precompose it, name it logo, and set it in a 3D space. Then you will select your Particle layer and go to the effects controls. Under Visibility you need to set your obscuration layer to your text or logo. This will allow your Logo to interact with the particles in a 3D space. Now position your logo to be in the middle of the particle loop. You can adjust the settings for your Particles as you please. Also you can set up a spot light so that your logo is always visible as well. From here set up a camera and keyframe it to create an awesome animation. What cool effects videos do you create? Post them in the comments below! Be sure to Like, Subscribe and head to to use amazing videos for your projects!...
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