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After Effects: Pac-Man 6- Power Up Ghosts
Views: 3249
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In this After Effects Pac-Man tutorial series VideoFort Jon gives a in depth looks at motion graphics and layering, teaching how to recreate the classic Atari game, Pac-Man. In Pac-Man Part 6 VideoFort Jon shows you how to change the ghosts for when Pac-Man eats a power up. Drag the “BoardandCharacters.png” into the Game comp, pre compose it and mask the blue and white ghosts. Layer them on top of one another( should go: blue 3, blue 4, white 3, white 4) and set the first keyframe at the beginning of the comp for the opacitiy at 0%. From there determine when Pac-Man eats a Power Up pellet (the larger dots). Once you have determined when Pac-Man eats the Power Up go one frame before and set another opacity key frame at 0% for you ghosts. Then move one key frame forward and bring the blue ghost with 3 leg up to 100% and the white ghost with 4 legs to 100%. Make the 3 legged blue ghost’s opacity increase and decrease between 100% and 0% for 16 key frames. Then bring up the 4 legged blue ghost’s opacity up to 100% and set a keyframe for 0% one.......
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Motion: How to Create Fire Plates
Views: 2385
Likes: 10

In this Motion Tutorial VideoFort Jon shows you how easy it is to create fire plate to be used as special effects using the particle emitter in Apple’s Motion. Open up Motion and make a 1920×1080 comp, 24 fps, 10 seconds. From there navigate to the Library menu and select Particle Emitters. You’ll see a list of folders, select the Pyro folder. Now you have a library of pre-made fire effects to choose from. Select an effect then select inspector at the top. Under Properties and Emitters you can change the values to customize the effect you selected. Once you have the look you want render out the project, make sure to use the Apple Prores 444 codec and to change your Color output to RGB+Alpha under the Render settings. Export the project and you now have a Special Effects plate that you can use in After Effects! What cool effects videos do you create? Post them in the comments below! Be sure to Like, Subscribe and head to to use amazing videos for your projects!...
  • 1 Students
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