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After Effects: Pac-Man Part 1- Board Creation
Views: 9119
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In this After Effects Pac-Man tutorial series VideoFort Jon gives a in depth looks at motion graphics and layering, teaching how to recreate the classic Atari game, Pac-Man. In Pac-Man Part 1 VideoFort Jon covers the creation of the Game Board. Start out by creating a new comp and name it “Game”, from there you will place the “BoardandCharacters.png” into your new comp and name it “PointsBoard”. Notice there are two boards and gang of characters included in this png. Using the Rectangle Tool, create a mask around the gameboard with the dots. Then change the anchor point to be centered on the gameboard with the dots. This is your PointsBoard. Now duplicate this layer and rename it “BlankBoard”. From here you need to move your mask to the right so that it is over the blank board. Once the mask is positioned over the blank board you will move its anchor point to be centered. You’re almost done! Just move the “BlankBoard” layer underneath the “PointsBoard” layer and make sure they are lined up with one another. You now have a Pac-Man board for the characters to move about....
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VFX Master Course – Introduction
Views: 9018
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Learn how to create a Cinematic Logo Animation with Cinema 4D & After Effects. The course outlines a workflow of the project from start to finish and explores topics such as 3d modeling, texturing, lighting, animation, rendering, compositing, color grading and other techniques related to Motion Graphics & VFX. The masterclass is comprehensive and accessible to users of all levels. The software programs required are Cinema 4D (releasing 15 & above), After Effects & Trapcode Particuar (which is a plugin). Illustrator, Photoshop Magic Bullet Looks are optional....
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Cinema 4D: Crystal Texture
Views: 8569
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In this tutorial, VideoFort Don demonstrates how to create a Crystal Texture for your text or logo. The logo that VideoFort Don uses is created in Cinema 4D, but this effect can be applied to any personal logo or text. He starts off by adding a 3D object under shapes called “Cogwheel” into the composition. Add another 3D object under shapes called “Star”. Set the teeth of both objects to “5” and change the radii of the star of make it smaller. Hit “C” to make it editable. Then, connect and delete both of the object’s layers and add “Extrude Nurbs”. Increase the depth of the object’s layer so that its bulky. In the “Caps” settings under Extrude Nurbs, change the Type to “Triangles”. Turn on Regular Grid under Type and increase the width. Hit “C” to make the layers editable. Select all the layers and connect and delete them. Then, go to polygon mode, right-click, and grab the knife tool. Make sure “Restrict to Selection” and “Visible Elements Only” are not ticked. Begin slicing up the 3D object to give it an even more random look. Press Ctrlt+E to select all the segments, right-click, and select “Subdivide”. Set that.......
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Cinema 4D: Turn Anything Into Mesh
Views: 8488
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  In this Cinema 4D tutorial VideoFort Don show you how to turn anything into a mesh. Start out with a cube and increase the segements (VideoFort Don uses 5x5x5). Then go to the Array icon and select the Atom Array tool. Then put the cube into the Atom Array and you will get a grid effect. You can adjust the cylinder and sphere radius’ (VideoFort Don sets his to .1) and he sets his subdivisions to 3. VideoFort Don then adds a blue material with only the luminance turned on. You can do the same process with anything, including text....
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After Effects: Ink Splat
Views: 8312
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  In this After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon shows you how to animate a drop of ink falling on to a 3D surface. Start out by creating a new comp 1920×1080, 24 fps, duration 20 seconds. From there create a new black solid and select the pen Tool. Make a triangle, then change the bottom two points to be curved. Adjust until you have a teardrop shape. Rename this layer “Drop”. Create a new gray solid and name it “Floor” (place it beneath the “Drop” layer). Set both layers into a 3D space. With the Rotation tool selected, rotate the “Floor” on the X axis 270 degrees, it should disappear. Then with your Select tool push down the Z axis of the floor until it is aligned with the bottom of the comp. Now you have a floor for the Drop to fall through. With the Selection tool, Move the Drop out of frame on its Y axis and set a keyframe. Then move the time indicator forward 1 second and move the Drop down past the floor on the Y axis. Playback and watch your animation. The drop should fall from the top to beneath the floor out of.......
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Adobe Premiere: How to use Title Templates
Views: 8284
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In this Adobe Premiere VideoFort Tutorial, VideoFort Colin teaches you how to use title templates. Text templates will enable you to insert colorful, attention-grabbing text into your projects. This lesson covers how to create these kinds of titles within Adobe Premiere never having to open a separate program....
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After Effects: Super Bowl Ident Tutorial Part 4
Views: 8225
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In this Super Bowl tutorial VideoFort Don shows you how to create a ‘Sports Ident’ similar to the one displayed in our Thumbnail! This is a four part tutorial. In the final video in the Sports Ident series, we will be focusing on the final checks to make in Cinema 4D before moving the project over to After Effects. Once in After Effects, we will be explaining the steps needed for compositing the project....
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After Effects: Pac-Man 3- KeyFraming Pac-Man
Views: 8094
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In this After Effects Pac-Man tutorial series VideoFort Jon gives a in depth looks at motion graphics and layering, teaching how to recreate the classic Atari game, Pac-Man. In Pac-Man Part 3 VideoFort Jon covers how to keyframe Pac-Man’s position around the gameboard. Start out by selecting the “Pac-Man” pre-comp in your “Game” comp. Then press “p” on your keyboard, this will bring up Pac-Man’s position values. Bring your time indicator to the begining of the timeline and then press the stopwatch next to the Position transform values. This will give you the start keyframe. Make sure to right angle the position point by selecting the pen tool and clicking on the first position point. Then move the time indicator forward, pay attention to Pac-Man’s mouth, this will let you know how far in time to advance (Pac-Man should move about 3-5 dots per open and close). Once you have the time indicator set move Pac-Man to the position on the board where you want him. Continue this process until you have reached the end of you comp. Once you have all your points set, review the movement and reset any points that need to be fixed. From there.......
  • 1 Students
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