Cinema 4D: Model a Soccer Ball

Learn how to turn a platonic shape into a soccer ball using Cinema 4D. Start out by creating a platonic shape and setting its type to Bucky. From there you need to get rid of the line separating the polygons into halves. To do that select each polygon ind...

Cinema 4D: Light Flicker Effects

Learn how to create a flickering text effect using Cinema 4D. VideoFort Don shows you how to create flickering text by creating a text layer and dropping it into extrude NURBS. From there you duplicate the text, create a circle (approximate radius 2 cm), ...

Motion: How to Create Fire Plates

In this Motion Tutorial VideoFort Jon shows you how easy it is to create fire plate to be used as special effects using the particle emitter in Apple’s Motion. Open up Motion and make a 1920×1080 comp, 24 fps, 10 second...

After Effects: Human Eye VFX

In this tutorial VideoFort Don shows you how to track 2D Element onto an eye. In the first step you need to find a good spot to track, VideoFort Don chose a shadow on the eye that stayed consistent through the shot. If the track slips you can tweak the tr...

Cinema 4D: Turn Anything Into Mesh

  In this Cinema 4D tutorial VideoFort Don show you how to turn anything into a mesh. Start out with a cube and increase the segements (VideoFort Don uses 5x5x5). Then go to the Array icon and select the Atom Array tool. Then put the cube into the At...

After Effects: 3D Space Basics

  In this After Effects VideoFort Jon shows you how to place and manuever object into a 3D space. Start out by creating a new solid the size of your comp. From there go to you Effects and Presets pane and search for “CC Particle World”. D...