Cinema 4D: Cobblestone Logo Effect
In this tutorial VideoFort Don shows you how to create a dramatic cobblestone logo effect in Cinema 4D using displacement maps . In the first step you need to create a large plane for the ground and an Icosahedron sphere that slightly intersects the ground. Next, using the deformers tab, create a collision deformation allowing the sphere to press into the ground layer.
In this tutorial VideoFort Don shows you how to create a dramatic cobblestone logo effect in Cinema 4D using displacement maps . In the first step you need to create a large plane for the ground and an Icosahedron sphere that slightly intersects the ground. Next, using the deformers tab, create a collision deformation allowing the sphere to press into the ground layer. Now create the text you would like to use or insert the logo file you wish to transform. Make sure to rotate the text or logo to be flat with your ground level and centered in the dent you created. You will then create another collision from the ground level to your text, in the opposite direction of the original dent using the inside stretch option in the collisions tab. Next, you can add texture and shadowing. To finish, you can fine tune your image using different masking, blurring, lighting, and other similar tools.