Cinema 4D: Light Flicker Effects

Learn how to create a flickering text effect using Cinema 4D. VideoFort Don shows you how to create flickering text by creating a text layer and dropping it into extrude NURBS. From there you duplicate the text, create a circle (approximate radius 2 cm), ...

Cinema 4D: Speed Up & Slow Down

VideoFort Don shows us how to make a group of spheres explode, slow down, then return to speed. Start out by setting a floor and sphere in a new project, from there you clone the sphere into a grid and put a random effector on it to make it less uniform. ...

After Effects: Superman Take Off

In this tutorial VideoFort Don teaches you how to fly using After Effects. Start out by filming your actor jumping into the air, then running out of frame as soon as you land. A tripod is necessary so that frame jumps don’t occur when editing your f...

Cinema 4D: Use Effectors on Any Object

In this tutorial Don teaches us how to quickly set effectors using a primitive plane in Cinema 4D. Although effectors are often used on MoGraph Objects, they can be used to effect any object. After selecting a primitive plane to effect, Vide...

Motion: How to Create Fire Plates

In this Motion Tutorial VideoFort Jon shows you how easy it is to create fire plate to be used as special effects using the particle emitter in Apple’s Motion. Open up Motion and make a 1920×1080 comp, 24 fps, 10 second...

Photography: Time Lapse Tutorial

In this tutorial VideoFort Don covers how to shoot a time-lapse using firmware Magic Lantern in lieu of using an intervalometer, which is usually required for time-lapse photography. He also suggests areas and subjects for best time-lapse results. Then he...

Cinema 4D: Advanced Lighting Tutorial

In this tutorial VideoFort Don from the UK shows you how to light 3D objects using Cinema 4D. In the process you will learn how to place your key light and 3 additional lights in the 3D space to create a natural light look. VideoFort Don starts by placing...