Cinema 4D: Use Effectors on Any Object

In this tutorial Don teaches us how to quickly set effectors using a primitive plane in Cinema 4D. Although effectors are often used on MoGraph Objects, they can be used to effect any object. After selecting a primitive plane to effect, Vide...

Photography: Time Lapse Tutorial

In this tutorial VideoFort Don covers how to shoot a time-lapse using firmware Magic Lantern in lieu of using an intervalometer, which is usually required for time-lapse photography. He also suggests areas and subjects for best time-lapse results. Then he...

Cinema 4D: Crystal Texture

In this tutorial, VideoFort Don demonstrates how to create a Crystal Texture for your text or logo. The logo that VideoFort Don uses is created in Cinema 4D, but this effect can be applied to any personal logo or text. He starts off by adding a 3D object ...

After Effects: How to Apply Effects

In this After Effects tutorial VideoFort Jon continues with the basics of After Effects, showing you how to apply Effects to imported footage. He starts out by using a Fast Blur and increasing the Blurriness to show how the edges ...

Cinema 4D: VFX 3D Logos + Light Setup

In this tutorial, VideoFort Don demonstrates how to create a light setup for 3D logos or 3D text using Cinema 4D. Lighting your text or logo is an effective way to help bring more attention and detail to the composition. He first starts off by selecting a...

Cinema 4D: Grow Effect Tutorial

In this tutorial, VideoFort Don demonstrate how to create a growing effect using Cinema 4D. The objects that he uses in this tutorial are all created in Cinema 4D. He starts of by adding a cube object to the composition. Next, select “Cloner” ...

Cinema 4D: Connect Objects

In this tutorial VideoFort Don teaches you to connect elements with a spline using Cinema 4D. Start out by adding objects to a cloner. Set the cloner mode to “Radial”, and the clones to “Iterate”. You can also apply materials to yo...