Cinema 4D: Turn Anything Into Mesh
In this Cinema 4D tutorial VideoFort Don show you how to turn anything into a mesh. Start out with a cube and increase the segements (VideoFort Don uses 5x5x5). Then go to the Array icon and select the Atom Array tool. Then put the cube into the Atom Array and you will get a grid effect.
In this Cinema 4D tutorial VideoFort Don show you how to turn anything into a mesh. Start out with a cube and increase the segements (VideoFort Don uses 5x5x5). Then go to the Array icon and select the Atom Array tool. Then put the cube into the Atom Array and you will get a grid effect. You can adjust the cylinder and sphere radius’ (VideoFort Don sets his to .1) and he sets his subdivisions to 3. VideoFort Don then adds a blue material with only the luminance turned on. You can do the same process with anything, including text.