Cinema 4D: Tron Light Cycle Tutorial
In this video tutorial, VideoFort Don demonstrates how to create the Light Trail effect seen on the Light Cycles in Tron using Cinema 4D. By the end of this tutorial you will learn the basics of creating the light trail behind the Tron Light Cycle and learn how to refine it to make it more realistic.
In this video tutorial, VideoFort Don demonstrates how to create the Light Trail effect seen on the Light Cycles in Tron using Cinema 4D. By the end of this tutorial you will learn the basics of creating the light trail behind the Tron Light Cycle and learn how to refine it to make it more realistic.
VideoFort Don first creates a scene where the light cycle can be seen moving through the shot and past the camera. The light cycle is attached to a track that features a null object carrying the 3D light cycle. A new null is created and parented to the existing null object found on the track. By parenting the new null to the existing null, the new null will acquire the same attributes for position and rotation used for movement. A rectangle is added and scaled using Sweep Nurbs to create the trail behind the light cycle. next, VideoFort Don then adds material to the rectangle to create color to the light trail. Adding material to the rectangle enhances the appearance of the trail, making it look more genuine.