After Effects: Using the Speed Graph Editor
In this After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon give a quick overview on how to use the Speed Graph Editor. With a new Comp created, add a text layer and set up some position keyframes. Once you have the positions keyframed, highlight the keyframes and press F9 on your keyboard. This will change them to Easy Ease (bezier keyframes), and smooth the motion of your text.
In this After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon give a quick overview on how to use the Speed Graph Editor. With a new Comp created, add a text layer and set up some position keyframes. Once you have the positions keyframed, highlight the keyframes and press F9 on your keyboard. This will change them to Easy Ease (bezier keyframes), and smooth the motion of your text.
Now, with Position selected in the transform controls, select the Graph Editor in your Comp Window (looks like a square with a squiggly in it, next to the Auto-Keyframe button). You should get a graph of the positions you keyframed. Right click in the graph and select speed graph editor. You should get something that looks like a bell curve. You can play with these curves to change the velocity of the text.Be sure to turn on Motion Blur and your text will become ultra dynamicl. What cool effects videos do you create? Post in the comments below! Be sure to Like, Subscribe and head to to use amazing videos for your projects!