After Effects: Trigonometric Expression Title
After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon show you how to use a trigonometric expression to create a dynamic title. Using the same set up as used in After Effects: Using Trig Expressions and Particular import a logo or create a new text, precompose it, name it logo, and set it in a 3D space. Then you will select your Particle layer and go to the effects controls. Under Visibility you need to set your obscuration layer to your text or logo.
After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon show you how to use a trigonometric expression to create a dynamic title. Using the same set up as used in After Effects: Using Trig Expressions and Particular import a logo or create a new text, precompose it, name it logo, and set it in a 3D space. Then you will select your Particle layer and go to the effects controls. Under Visibility you need to set your obscuration layer to your text or logo.
This will allow your Logo to interact with the particles in a 3D space. Now position your logo to be in the middle of the particle loop. You can adjust the settings for your Particles as you please. Also you can set up a spot light so that your logo is always visible as well. From here set up a camera and keyframe it to create an awesome animation. What cool effects videos do you create? Post them in the comments below! Be sure to Like, Subscribe and head to to use amazing videos for your projects!