After Effects: Animate A Traveling Dotted Line
In this After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon animates a red dotted line across a map, a popular technique for a travel transition.
In this After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon animates a red dotted line across a map, a popular technique for a travel transition.
Start out by bringing in a picture of a map. You can use a screenshot of Google maps, but make sure to get permission and give them credit if you use it professionally. From there create a new comp 1920×1080, 24 fps, duration 8 seconds. Position the map on the comp and create a new shape layer. Select the Pen tool and make sure you have no fill selected, and your stroke is set to solid with the color of your choice. From there create the points where you want the line to from. Once you have the points set, drop down the Transform controls for the shape layer. Next Contents you’ll see an arrow, click that and select Trim Paths. Now drop down the Trim Paths options and set a keyframe at the beginning of the comp for 0% on the End value. Then move forward 4 seconds and set a keyframe for 100% on the End Value. It you RAM Preview, you will see the line animate across the map. Now drop down Shape_Stroke and press the plus button next to Dashes. This will make the line dashed. You can increase or decrease the amount of dashes by toggling the Dash values, Offset will change the position of the dashes and you can make the scroll by keyframing this value. You now have a dotted line animated on your map. You can also set everything in a 3D space add a camera and follow the line as it’s created. What cool effects videos do you create? Post them in the comments below! Be sure to Like, Subscribe and head to to use amazing videos for your projects!