After Effects: How to Apply Explosion Plates
In this After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon show you how to apply Explosion Plates, created in Apple's Motion, to a piece of footage.
In this After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon show you how to apply Explosion Plates, created in Apple’s Motion, to a piece of footage. Start out by dragging your piece of footage to the new comp button. Then go to Animate_Track Motion and select a high contrast area to track the motion. After you have tracked the motion add a Null layer and apply the tracking data to the Null object. Now import the explosion plate to your comp and parent the explosion to the null object. Place the explosion whereever you want in the comp and time it as needed. RAM Preview to playback your comp and you should have a nicely tracked explosion! What cool effects videos do you create? Post them in the comments below! Be sure to Like, Subscribe and head to to use amazing videos for your projects!