Cinema 4D: Create Bender from Futurama Part 3
In this After Effects Tutorial Tutorial Series VideoFort Don teaches you how to create Bender, from Futurama, using Cinema 4D.
In this After Effects Tutorial Tutorial Series VideoFort Don teaches you how to create Bender, from Futurama, using Cinema 4D. So you have the Head, and Torso made for Bender. Now you’ll create the arms and legs. Create a new cylinder, adjust its settings to make it one of Bender’s legs. Then select the bottom portion of the leg using the Rectangle Selection tool and hold control and drag down to bottom to extrude that portion. Then scale out the sides to match Bender foot, you can also use a hemisphere instead of using the extrude method. Drop it in to the symmetry object and position them accordingly. Now you’ll make the arms. Create another cylinder, orientation +X, and adjust the settings to be the shoulders, add a fillet cap as well. Then you can remove everything but the fillet cap end. Remove a portion of the fillet cap then select the end of it and extrude it out to be the arm. Drop it in the symmetry object to get the other arm. Then select the end portion of the arm and scale it out to be the hand. Add three cylinders and adjust them to be fingers.