After Effects: Learn Basic Motion Graphics

  In this After Effects tutorial VideoFort Jon shows you how to keyframe shapes to recreate the classic Atari game Pong. Start out by creating a composition. Then add a rectangular shape and rename it Left Paddle, and position it on the left side of ...

Cinema 4D: Model Road Tunnel Pt 1

In this Cinema 4D Model Road Tunnel tutorial Pt. 1, VideoFort Don shows how to model a Road Tunnel, based off of an online image. Start by loading the image into the front viewport, and onto a plane. This allows the model to be vi...

Cinema 4D: Model Road Tunnel Pt 2

In this Cinema 4D Model Road Tunnel tutorial Pt. 2, VideoFort Don will finish off on how to model a Road Tunnel. From Pt. 1, we saw how to create the base layout of the tunnel, followed by: how to make poles, rails, and lights, fo...

Cinema 4D: Infinite Floor

In this tutorial VideoFort Don teaches you how to create a Seamless Floor effect in Cinema 4D.CINEMA 4D Studio is the very best that MAXON has to offer for professional 3D artists. At we give you free VFX and Motion ...

Cinema 4D: Turn Anything Into Mesh

  In this Cinema 4D tutorial VideoFort Don show you how to turn anything into a mesh. Start out with a cube and increase the segements (VideoFort Don uses 5x5x5). Then go to the Array icon and select the Atom Array tool. Then put the cube into the At...

After Effects: 3D Space Basics

  In this After Effects VideoFort Jon shows you how to place and manuever object into a 3D space. Start out by creating a new solid the size of your comp. From there go to you Effects and Presets pane and search for “CC Particle World”. D...

After Effects: Basic Title Creation Part 2

  In this After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon shows you how to animate your basic Title Intro. Now that you have your 3D space setup and camera added, you will need to add a null object. Once you have added the null object s...