After Effects: Basic Title Creation Part 2

  In this After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon shows you how to animate your basic Title Intro. Now that you have your 3D space setup and camera added, you will need to add a null object. Once you have added the null object s...

After Effects: Smokey Text Effect

In this After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon teaches you how to create smokey text using CC Smear and a few other effects After Effects has to offer. Start out by creating a new comp and adding a text layer. Then generate a Ramp e...

After Effects: Randomize Text

In this After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon show you how to use an Animation Text Preset to generate random letter into a word. Start out by creating a new comp and adding a text layer. Then drop down the text transform options, select the arrow next to ...

After Effects: Create Flaming Text

After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon turns up the heat with some flaming text. Start out by creating a new comp 1920×1080, 24 fps, duration 10 seconds. Create a new text layer and apply a Ramp effect to it. Then apply a Colorama effect to the same te...