Cinema 4D: Light Flicker Effects

Learn how to create a flickering text effect using Cinema 4D. VideoFort Don shows you how to create flickering text by creating a text layer and dropping it into extrude NURBS. From there you duplicate the text, create a circle (approximate radius 2 cm), ...

Cinema 4D: Advanced Lighting Tutorial

In this tutorial VideoFort Don from the UK shows you how to light 3D objects using Cinema 4D. In the process you will learn how to place your key light and 3 additional lights in the 3D space to create a natural light look. VideoFort Don starts by placing...

After Effects: Learn Basic Motion Graphics

  In this After Effects tutorial VideoFort Jon shows you how to keyframe shapes to recreate the classic Atari game Pong. Start out by creating a composition. Then add a rectangular shape and rename it Left Paddle, and position it on the left side of ...