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After Effects: Human Eye VFX
Views: 676133
Likes: 7172

In this tutorial VideoFort Don shows you how to track 2D Element onto an eye. In the first step you need to find a good spot to track, VideoFort Don chose a shadow on the eye that stayed consistent through the shot. If the track slips you can tweak the tracking to smooth everything. Next create a null object name it “tracker data” then go to edit target for the tracking and set the layer to tracker data. Now create a new white solid name it mask and create a mask around the whites of the eye. Make sure to parent the mask layer to the tracker data layer. You can animate the mask to the blink by keyframing it. Then you will the 2D elements underneath the white mask layer and set a Luma Matte. Lets move on to animating the 2D element. Open up the 2D element comp and use expressions to change rotations on your 2D element. To finish you can add color and glow to the 2D element....
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After Effects: Superman Take Off
Views: 625474
Likes: 4324

In this tutorial VideoFort Don teaches you how to fly using After Effects. Start out by filming your actor jumping into the air, then running out of frame as soon as you land. A tripod is necessary so that frame jumps don’t occur when editing your final shot. After you have the shot, VideoFort Don shows you how to mask your actor’s body and add a motion blur to create the flying effect. From there you learn how to create a shockwave from scratch to sell your superman take off....
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After Effects: Advanced Green Screen Tutorial
Views: 606133
Likes: 4200

In this video tutorial, VideoFort Don demonstrates how to use advanced keying techniques that can be applied to green screen clips. The finished product uses a background made in After Effects, but any background can be applied to the composition. He starts by dragging the video clip into a new composition and applies the effect Keylight 1.2. After the effect has been applied, he turns up the screen gain to get rid of any noise found in the video clip. He then lowers the screen balance to obtain some detail back on the edges of the actor. Under screen matte settings, VideoFort Don clips the black and white values to get rid of any green found on the subject. After doing this, he then duplicates the composition and creates a luma matte to help get rid of any left over noise. Next, add the background that you’ve chosen by dragging it underneath the two clips in your composition. Using Hue and Saturation gets rid of any leftover green seen in the video clip. To give the effect that the actor is under a light, a Wrap Light is applied by duplicating the screen matte twice into its own composition. Next,.......
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After Effects: Super Slowmotion Effect Tutorials
Views: 606056
Likes: 3917

In this tutorial VideoFort Don shows you how to create perfect super slow motion using After Effects. In this tutorial, we get our original 60 fps footage down to just 1% of its original seed which effectively makes it 6000 fps. We show you how to do this with as few warping and distortion artifacts as possible....
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Cinema 4D: Low Poly World Tutorial Pt. 2
Views: 325944
Likes: 2455

In this tutorial VideoFort Don shows you how to create a Low Poly World in the program Cinema 4D. In part 2 of the video, you will learn the different techniques to light your Low Poly World. To learn how we made the geometry for our world, check out part 1 of the tutorial on our page!...
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Cinema 4D: Fluid Morph Effect Tutorial
Views: 325944
Likes: 2455

In this tutorial VideoFort Don shows you how to create a fluid morph effect in Cinema 4D using the spline effector. First you create the splines you will be using throughout the animation. Next you create a sphere and clone it onto your spines in order to give them shape. You then use the spline effector to create the morphing effect for your different spines....
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After Effects: Animate Still Photos Tutorial
Views: 274853
Likes: 1415

In this tutorial, VideoFort Don demonstrates how to animate still images, giving them life using After Effects. VideoFort Don uses an image of the Earth to create a movement over the planet that includes a moving sun and an aura effect. First, he starts off by dropping the image into a new composition. Using the pen tool, he cuts out the planet and rotates it slightly to make it level. Pre-compose that image along with its attribute into a new composition. Duplicate that composition and select the bottom composition. Right-click that composition and select Box Blur under Blur and Sharpen in Effects. Increase the radius and iterations and click on “Increase edge pixels” to give you a glow around the edge of the Earth. Next, you want to make that edge around the Earth more blue. To do this, select CC Toner under Color Correction in Effects. Select the color blue in the midtones and the highlights. Change the mask Feather to soften the edge. This will give it a more atmospheric look. Now, to add the starfield in the back, you want to pre-compose a new solid layer. To create the stars, add “Fractal Noise” under Noise and Grain.......
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Adobe Premiere: Mask Tracking
Views: 247939
Likes: 1138

In this VideoFort Tutorial VideoFort Colin teaches us how to use Adobe Premiere Pro to Mask Track. This will allow you to blur face, blur license plates, or even sharpen or color objects. Instead of having to key frame a mask and follow an object, you are able to tell Adobe Premiere Pro what needs to be tracked and automatically follow object. This will save you time and allow you to make tracks much faster....
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Create Particles Stroke Effect in After Effects
Views: 241519
Likes: 2205

  In this VideoFort tutorial VideoFort Don shows you how to do a particles stroke effect in Adobe After Effects. VideoFort empowers creative freedom by giving film and video makers access to one of the best stock footage resources on the planet. VideoFort is the first all HD subscription-based stock footage provider to offer its members unlimited access to some of the world’s most exclusive content. In addition to high-quality stock footage, VideoFort offers free VFX templates, free filmmaking tutorials, and a creative forum where video producers can collaborate and interact. VideoFort footage has been used in Hollywood Movies, Award Winning TV Shows, Broadcast TV Commercials, and Online Videos. Customers range from amateur videographers to professional YouTubers and world-renowned directors. VideoFort: Quality Content, Creative Freedom....
  • 1 Students
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