My name is Evangelos Dimitriadis, a documentarian based out of Greenpoint Brooklyn and I’m writing in response to your craigslist advert. In recent years I have gravitated towards documentary work, and happily so. There’s nothing like capturing true life and sharing real people’s stories with the world. I have included links below to show that I am capable of producing many types of work.

My most notable & recent work was back in August 2014 when I was hired to travel with Bill and Nancy Bachman across the country documenting the search for their daughter Susan who went missing on July 4th that year. I traveled with them for about two weeks helping them with PR as well as shooting daily. I have included links below to the daily videos I shot, edited, and uploaded on the road while driving from Dubois PA to Oakland CA. I am currently editing the footage into a feature length documentary about the whole trip/story. My footage was used by numerous news stations across the country as well as an episode of Unsolved Mysteries.

Having been raised in the forests of Upstate New York and transplanting to Brooklyn in 2008 leaves me with experience dwelling in both wonderful environments, and all that comes with both. Coming from a small town and seeing firsthand the pros and cons of it, my eyes were opened when I made the move to such a populated place like Brooklyn. I love both and each has taught me much. They both lend me a great deal of shooting subjects, which is like gold to me. There are an infinite amount of storied out there to be told, and I’m ready to tell them all!